The Denver Chapter of Western Pension & Benefits Conference presents its annual ERISA Update on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 at the Denver Athletic Club. The ERISA Update is a cost-effective one-day program designed to provide benefits professionals with an annual review that covers the recent developments in qualified retirement plans, including legislation, federal regulations, enforcement and guidance. About our Presenter Charles Lockwood, J.D., and L.L. M. (Taxation) is a principal with ASC Institute (ASCi), a pension consulting firm. He has over 20 years of experience in the employee benefits field. Prior to joining ASCi, he was a principal with the pension consulting firm Global Benefit Advisors, LLC (GBA). He also served as a Vice President of Pension Publications of Denver, Inc. (PPD) and a senior consultant with Coopers & Lybrand's Human Resources National Technical Services Unit in Washington, D.C.
Please feel free to reach out to WP&BC with any questions.
Direct Questions To:
Bridget DavidsonChapter
Address:PO Box 2023Gresham, OR 97030