The Denver chapter of the Western Pension & Benefits Council is excited to present the 2018 Denver Benefits Summit, an all-day conference with multiple speakers and breakout sessions.
Keynote Morning Presentation: 8:15am-9:45am
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Breakout Session #1: 10:00am-10:50am
Target-date funds have become the most common default investment offering in defined contribution plans today, but they’re not perfect. TDFs can be a less expensive, one-size-fits-all solution. Research shows that more personalized solutions like managed accounts may help participants save more, invest in a more appropriate portfolio, and withdraw from their retirement account when they retire, but they often come at a higher cost. Please join Morningstar Investment Management LLC speaker Daniel Bruns to explore:
Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) can raise complicated issues for your benefit plans. Join Doug Conkel and Mike Morin of Milliman to hear how a pre-M&A due diligence process can help you protect your company’s financial interests. In addition, gain an understanding of the implications of alternative courses of action and hear how to make informed decisions to ensure a successful integration. Sponsored by:
Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) can raise complicated issues for your benefit plans. Join Doug Conkel and Mike Morin of Milliman to hear how a pre-M&A due diligence process can help you protect your company’s financial interests. In addition, gain an understanding of the implications of alternative courses of action and hear how to make informed decisions to ensure a successful integration.
Who doesn’t like to be part of the “next big thing,” especially when it comes to technology? Here’s your chance! This session will share the hottest topics in HR technology and employee engagement – including practical tips you can take back to your own organization. Learn how artificial intelligence can help with day to day HR processes, schedule meetings and even predict success in a role. Leverage the latest social trends to improve your employee experience, and settle the debate of “best of breed” vs. “all in one”. Join us to learn about:
Who doesn’t like to be part of the “next big thing,” especially when it comes to technology? Here’s your chance! This session will share the hottest topics in HR technology and employee engagement – including practical tips you can take back to your own organization.
Learn how artificial intelligence can help with day to day HR processes, schedule meetings and even predict success in a role. Leverage the latest social trends to improve your employee experience, and settle the debate of “best of breed” vs. “all in one”.
Join us to learn about:
Breakout Session #2: 11:00am-11:50am
Two seasoned ERISA litigators will walk through current trends in ERISA litigation, including the pitfalls that often result in litigation when plans are not properly structured and monitored.
The world is constantly changing and evolving, the pace of business is ever increasing and operating 24/7. Be it immigration, tax, relocation, international human resources, labor law, expatriate assignments, or talent management, our world and the rules that we operate in are in a constant state of flux. In this session you will learn some of the challenges and risks associated with an internationally mobile workforce. In this interactive session, we will review real world case studies and discuss the risks and challenges that were presented as well as potential solutions to reduce those risks. Sponsored by:
The world is constantly changing and evolving, the pace of business is ever increasing and operating 24/7. Be it immigration, tax, relocation, international human resources, labor law, expatriate assignments, or talent management, our world and the rules that we operate in are in a constant state of flux. In this session you will learn some of the challenges and risks associated with an internationally mobile workforce. In this interactive session, we will review real world case studies and discuss the risks and challenges that were presented as well as potential solutions to reduce those risks.
Macro Economic Viewpoint: Life – A Natural Progression of Events. Bob Baur, Executive Director & Chief Global Economist, Principal Global Investors Description: General US and Global Economic Overview. This session will delve into the trends and forces that brought the US and global economic and investment environment to its current state; then use that background to present a roadmap for the future direction of the US and global economies as well financial markets and potential investment opportunities
Defining Your Culture Product. Presented by Patrick Kelly, President, Change Point Consulting.
Defining and aligning your company around a strong culture has become more important than ever. Yet many companies find it difficult to define and maintain culture in our changing world. It is time companies begin to look at their culture like a product their employees choose to buy every day. It's not enough to say 'we want to hire the best talent'. You must ask 'do we have a culture top talent would want to join?' Creating a strong, authentic culture can not only become a revenue generator but also your greatest competitive advantage. In this session, learn about how quickly today's workforce demands are changing, what you should focus on when looking at your culture product, how to apply the Change Point 7 Pillars of Culture to your company, and how to use this to create a culture road map for your company. Sponsored By:
Defining and aligning your company around a strong culture has become more important than ever. Yet many companies find it difficult to define and maintain culture in our changing world. It is time companies begin to look at their culture like a product their employees choose to buy every day. It's not enough to say 'we want to hire the best talent'. You must ask 'do we have a culture top talent would want to join?' Creating a strong, authentic culture can not only become a revenue generator but also your greatest competitive advantage. In this session, learn about how quickly today's workforce demands are changing, what you should focus on when looking at your culture product, how to apply the Change Point 7 Pillars of Culture to your company, and how to use this to create a culture road map for your company.
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An overview of tax, legal, accounting and behavioral implications of various equity-based compensation awards.This presentation will also discuss best practices with respect to specific types of businesses and growth stages. Sponsored by:
The evolving regulatory landscape has complicated the development of total rewards strategies for employers. This introduction to health & welfare benefits will provide an overview of the mechanics of health & welfare plans, cover the effects of tax reform on health & welfare plans, and discuss how employer health & welfare benefit strategy impacts retirement benefit strategy.
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Please feel free to reach out to WP&BC with any questions.
Direct Questions To:
Kristen SanchezChapter
Address: PO Box #13 Parker, CO 80134